Fast Oxidizer Eating Plan

The Fast Oxidizer Eating Plan

Last updated September 3, 2019

A fast oxidizer is turning oxygen and calories into energy too quickly. A very balanced, healthy mildly fast oxidizer wouldn’t have problems if eating correctly, but most people today are not balanced and healthy. As fast oxidizers, they have inefficient energy production, are susceptible to energy crashes and other problems. This diet will help support sustained energy production and provide the right nutrients for healing.

The quality of the food can be just as important as what you are eating. So try to get organic when possible.

Most people should eat at least three meals per day. Some fast oxidizers may have blood sugar problems and may need to eat more than three times a day. Go by how you feel between meals: if you get irritable, light-headed, tired, etc. then you need to eat more often.

Remember that people starting this program are usually very deficient (low) in nutrients. This means that their bodies are essentially starving even if they are overweight. The cells need specific nutrients to function at their best so the goal with this diet is to flood the body with healthy nutrients, not just from supplements but also from food. The initial goal is not weight loss though some people do lose weight right away. Most people have to fill their bodies with nutrients so that they can heal their cells and restore their normal metabolism, energy and health before they can effectively lose weight. As the body gets more balanced, excess weight usually just comes off easily, but if necessary, diet adjustments can be made at that time to assist in weight loss.

There are 4 main categories of what to eat, and they are listed here in the sequence of highest quantity (how much of your plate they fill up) to lowest:

1. Vegetables, mostly cooked vegetables, but some raw is okay. Ideally have a large amount of vegetables twice a day or smaller amounts three or more times per day, but limit sugary or starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, beets and carrots. Fill at least half of your plate with vegetables. (Salads are okay to eat, but they don’t really count a lot towards your vegetable intake, because they don’t absorb well into the whole body and just act as fiber for the intestines.)

2. Protein such as chicken, beef, turkey, lamb, eggs, etc.. Two times a day is ideal. Think of a deck of cards as a serving size. So 2 or 3 eggs is a good serving depending on your weight and caloric needs (for example, athletes, of course, will need to eat more).

3. Fats, dairy, nuts and seeds. Fast oxidizers need fats to stabilize their energy and blood sugar, because fats burn more slowly. So feel free to have a lot of olive oil, butter, etc. with your meals, and eat fatty meats. (If you have trouble digesting fats, let us know, so we can give you the proper digestive aid.) Eat nuts and seeds in small amounts because these are generally hard to digest. Eight almonds, for example, will be the most you would want to eat at one time.

4. Gluten-free grains. Just do small portions of these and always have plenty of fat or fiber with them.

Seasonings: use herbs and other seasonings (such as mustard and horseradish, etc.) as much as you like. Consuming a variety of herbs is quite healthful and can really do a lot to make a boring diet more exciting.


• Fast food
• Sugary foods such as desserts, candy, sodas, agave, etc.
• Large amounts of dairy, which most people do not tolerate well.
• Wheat grains such as pasta, crackers and bread (if it says “flour” in the ingredients and doesn’t specify which grain it is from, then it is wheat and should be avoided). There are gluten-free substitutes for everything now. See our article on Gluten for more information.
• Alcohol
• Fruit
• Highly processed and packaged foods (organic packaged foods are fine to eat if they match our overall diet recommendations).

If you have any inflammation symptoms such as pain, swelling, redness, itching, etc., or if you get bloating or gas from vegetables, let us know as we may have special recommendations for you.

To keep things simple, you can simply start by trying to do the above without worrying too much about the details. Use the Healthy Foods to Eat list on the next page. Start choosing foods from that list to eat. If it isn’t on the list, it likely isn’t very good for you. We also have a Foods to Limit list which is very helpful. You can print these lists and bring them with you when you shop or eat out.

For vegetarians, please see our write-up on vegetarian diets.

There are people who may need us to tailor the diet more to special needs, such as those who really feel a certain type of diet is best regardless of oxidation rate, or for those who can’t have any grains, have severe food allergies, etc. These things are best covered during consultation.

For more detailed diet information, visit the Diet Information section of our website. There you will find meal ideas, recipes, cooking tips and more. We also have more detailed information about types of food to eat, best food sources, why these foods are important to eat, best methods of cooking, special diets, etc. that will be useful as you get the simple ideas grooved in and are ready to take things to an even healthier level.

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